Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Motivational Posters Old and New

Did anyone else have these hideous posters hanging on their elementary or junior high school walls growing up? To me they practically denounce the very thing they are promoting, in that they are not inspiring, or motivational in any way. (the quote on the bottom of this one is hilarious) Well times have changed it seems. Just look below, both of these are titled "Teamwork". Now you tell me which one is more encouraging to work on a team...
Here are some more pretty posters. From Right Brain Terrain (but found via Happy Cavalier) These posters are all priced at $14.95 or so. I'm thinking about getting the "Focus" poster for when I start grad school in the fall, I'm going to need it!


I wanted to post all of the posters, but there are many. You should really see the rest for yourself!

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