I haven't picked up a new Domino yet, but blogger Frolic! posted about a spread they have on Tartan. I think Tartan is just a name for this kind of fabric/design also known as plaid (but I could be wrong). Either way I'm loving this trend for fall and trying hard to find the right ways to incorporate it into my wardrobe. Never thought to incorporate it in the home as well. Top image from Domino, bottom images from Frolic!
Wow, that woman is wearing a dress of Black Watch plaid, what I wore to school daily from 1-8th grade.
I think the difference is that tartans have a history to them (like, family tartans in Scotland and Ireland). I could be wrong.
Ahhh thanks kentucky. I think you're right about tartan.
That's funny that's what you used to wear for school. It's kind of cute on that model though right?
I thought this layout was so fantastic!!
yes, so cozy!
I love how this looks, very crisp and cozy, I remember in the 90's when plaid was cool...
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