Sunday, April 6, 2008

Heartdrew Invisible Cities

These are really great shots under the chapter heading "Invisible Cities" from Heartdrew. Each one shows an incredibly different perspective of city life. Found this through fortysixth at grace.


Anonymous said...

very cool find. that top picture is neat.

Michelle said...

Oh so Beautiful, so special. This is what it really feels like to live in a big city. Exactly like living alone on a crazy circus.

laissezfaire said...

wow...beautiful pics!

dee said...

I like this very much.

A "cheery" disposition said...

I enjoy looking at city photos. It's nice to see what a camara can see that the eyes don't catch. I walk everyday in my city and take it for granted these pictures make me think how lucky i am to get to live downtown on one of the pouplar tourist streets in nashville.

I really like your blog and your title is cute too :)